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Willkommen / Welcome 

Musik / Kompositionen / Musik für Media / Film Music / Games /
Composing / Library Music / Lizenzfreie Musik /
Orchestral  / Hybrid / Trailer / Original Score / Media Composer

Kurze Info / Short info English:
Willkommen auf meiner Homepage.
Ich heiße Mirko Rizzello, auch bekannt als MG-Rizzello. Ich liebe es Musik zu produzieren und an spannenden Projekten mitzuwirken!

Seit 1991 ist meine Leidenschaft die Musik.
Als Schlagzeuger in verschiedenen lokalen Bands habe ich reichlich Erfahrung im Aufnehmen und Arrangieren gesammelt. Obwohl ich kein ausgebildeter Filmkomponist bin, habe ich erfolgreich Produktionsmusik sowie Musik für Kurz- und Langfilme komponiert.

In meiner Biografie weiter unten (vorerst auf Englisch) erfahren Sie mehr über meinen künstlerischen Werdegang.

Ob für Auftragsarbeiten oder aus meinem Archiv, zum Beispiel bei Soundtaxi: Meine Expertise umfasst Pop, Rock, orchestrale Soundtracks, Filmmusik, Hybrid Trailer Tracks und elektronische Musik. Meine Stücke kombinieren MIDI-Arrangements mit realen Instrumentenaufnahmen
 Hier gehts zu meinen Album Releases/Veröffentlichungen.

Nach Rücksprache können meine Werke für private oder nichtkommerzielle Zwecke frei genutzt werden, da einiges davon Creative Commons (CC) Musik ist. Hier geht es zu den Hörbeispielen
Sobald es jedoch um kommerzielle Verwertung (Rundfunk, TV, Werbung usw.) geht, ist eine Lizenz bei meinen Vertragspartnern zu erwerben!

Bei Interesse an neuen Projekten, sei es Vorhandenes oder eine Auftragsproduktion, kontaktieren Sie mich gerne per E-Mail. Ich freue mich auf Zusammenarbeit mit Filmemachern, Ausstellern, Musikern und allen anderen – schreiben Sie mir einfach!
Email: kontakt[@] 

Short info:
I am Mirko Rizzello, also known as MG-Rizzello, a freelance composer and musician based in Berlin, Germany. I specialize in creating music for films, video games, and various other media.
You may request all kinds of compositions from me. Listen to some of my tracks - I hope you will enjoy them!
Do not hesitate to contact me for further information. You can message me via Email: kontakt[@]

The Music:

I produce instrumentals, orchestral arrangements, film scores, drum loops, electronica, and sound design for movies, games, and commercials. My music blends MIDI arrangements with recordings of real instruments. Explore my album releases here.

Most of the music on this site is "royalty-free," but you must purchase a license for commercial use. Other Tracks are registered and managed by my publishers, as I am also a BMI member.

I produce instrumentals, orchestral arrangements, film scores, drum loops, electronica, sound design, for movies, games and commercials
My music is a hybrid of MIDI arrangements and recordings of real instruments. My Album releases you can hear here.
Feel free to leave a comment by emailing me at kontakt[@]

For further infos about me - check my Biography!

---------- Announcement ----------


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Archivmusik und Auftragsproduktion

- über 200 Musiktitel
- Filmmusik
- Hintergrundmusik
- Imagefilm / Werbung
- Musik für Medien
- MIDI Mischproduktion
- Kurzfilme
- Trailer / Orchestrales / Synth
- kleines Projektstudio
- Preis auf Anfrage
- Cubase pro 12
- Native Instruments (Ultimate 14       CE) und mehr

Librarymusic and original composing

- Most are Royalty Free Music
- over 200 Tracks
- Backgroundmusic
- MIDI Production
- Shorts / Film / Imagefilm
- Small Projectstudio
- Trailer / Hybrid / Orchestral
- Electro / Synthesizer
- BMI Member (selected tracks            could register at pro)    
- Cubase pro 12
- Native Instruments Ultimate 14        Collectors Ed. and much more
- Drop me a line for a cooperation

Gemafrei - Royalty Free - Musikarchiv - Music Library - Gemafreie Musik - Auftragsproduktion
Meine Titel sind
d.h. GEMAfreie Musik.
Meine gemafreien Titel sind bei keiner Verwertungsgesellschaft registriert!
Was ist GEMA-Freie Musik? Lese HIER mehr!
In Soundtaxi und anderen Portalen kann man meine, natürlich viele andere Musiken Lizensieren. Die Seite hat einen bequemen Webshop mit Suchfunktion. Man sollte sich die Lizenbestimmungen durchlesen welche Lizenkategorien für das jeweile Projekt benötigt wird! 


Costs and Licenceagreement?
At you can licence my music and many more great stuff. Use the
search function to find the track for your project.
Read the agreements to find the right
licence for your needs.
Or contact me for special needs,  Audiologos etc.
If you are a publisher, new music could be registered at BMI !



German award-winning film composer Mirko Rizzello AKA MG-Rizzello was born in 1976 in Berlin, where he lives with his wife and two daughters. His parents Romeo and Jozica Rizzello migrated from Italy and Slovenia to West-Germany in 1974. Young Mirko studied Medical Technical Assistance from 1992 to 1995. Today he works at Charité - Humboldt-University Berlin's Clinic.

Mirko Rizzello started his music career as a drummer in several band formations (Minory, Wallsplit, Foreshadowing...) in the early nineties. Picture Palace Music belonged to those bands from 2012 to 2014. One of his band members Thorsten Quaeschning is the main keyboarder and current band leader of the electronic German group Tangerine Dream.

Rizzello’s strongest influences cover a range of styles from punk, grunge, and synth-pop to progressive rock, and include artists such as The Clash, Pearl Jam, Depeche Mode, The Mission and The Smiths.

Film scores that were inspirational in the development of his later works include Hans Zimmer‘s such as Rain Man (1988), Gladiator (2000), and The Dark Knight (2008). Soundtracks by James Horner, Howard Shore, and Danny Elfman influenced Rizzello to become a film composer in 2009.

Mirko’s passion for his art and love of orchestral music culminated in the release of his debut album "Heroical" in 2010. That same year he met award-winning film director Dave Lojek of APEIRON FILMS to create a soundtrack for a KinoBerlino zombie trailer. The partnership between both artists has flourished and continues to this day. Their successful collaborations have included Psychic Sue (2013), Das sprichwörtliche Glück (2016), I came from the Future (2018), and Occurrences of Questionable Significance (2020), earning both artists many awards, including best original score.

Rizzello uses sequencing software on elaborate computer setups, and hardware synthesizers in his studio to create his music. The genres of these film scores and production music range from experimental ambient electronic over hybrid forms to full orchestral, exemplified in albums such as "Epic Hybridique" (2017), "Sophisticated Cinematique" (2014), and concept album "Tronic" (2012).
As a self-taught musician and technician, he keeps improving and perfecting his styles and approaches, adding new layers of instruments and techniques with each collaboration. Fans of his music mention the epic changeability and emotional grandeur in his popular scores.
Among the film genres Mr. Rizzello's music enriches are comedy, science fiction, parody, action, adventure, drama and romance.

Other compositions for directors such as Ingrid Hübscher, Sören Helbing, Adrián Tejero, and Stefanie Spachmann also entertained festival cinema audiences around the globe.
The series pilot Assana (2019) by Chris Cloud was his first overseas collaboration for a fantasy soundtrack.

In 2020 Rizzello wrote a horror feature film score for the thriller C.L.E.A.N. It was produced by Vjekoslav Katusin and directed by Aurelio Toni Agliata, starring Costas Mandylor and Tom Sizemore. This project enabled Mirko to explore the darker regions of film music and it was met with considerable success in cinemas.

MG-Rizzello has risen to become one of the most popular short film musicians featured at international festivals worldwide today, counting over 555 presentations of Apeiron Films scores in cinemas and screenings. In a way, these cinemas are Mirko’s concert halls.

New albums by Mr. Rizzello are in production and will be released in the future. His music is available at several publishers and can be licensed for all kinds of purposes, including video games.

Thanks to Dave Lojek and Anthony Straeger for helping me formulate this biography.

MG-Rizzello Studio

Me in my little Project-Studio


Music For Film and Media

thanks for your recommendation

Danke für die zusammenarbeit! Thanks for cooperation support and believing in me!

Dave Lojek

Mirko ist ein sehr talentierter Komponist, der bereits für unzählige meiner Filmprojekte die Musik erschuf. So ist es auch ihm zu verdanken, dass diese Filme auf über 550 Kinofestivals und im Fernsehen ein stetig wachsendes Publikum begeistern und bereits Preise gewannen. Soundtracks tragen ja wesentlich zur Stimmung des Films bei.
Mirko beherrscht viele Genres und kann innerhalb kurzer Zeit erstaunliche Resultate erzielen. Ich freue mich schon auf unsere nächsten Projekte und Mirkos neue Alben.

Giacomo Cagnetti

It's been a pleasure to know a wonderful musician and composer like you Mirko.
You can create great epic compositions using great sounds and I am so happy when we can work together for my video projects.
You are a great professional and also a friend for me and I would like to thank you for everything we did in the past and for everything we'll do in the future.
I wish you the best for you and your family.
Best regards from Italy!

Zero Project

About Heroical: This album combines several styles of music in such a successful way that drops all of your senses into alertness. "Heroical" album is a great, manifold music trip, that evolves through very carefully made and crackerjack inspired productions. Ideal music themes for game and movie soundtracks. My congratulations!

Sören Helbing

Mirko Rizzello hat mich bereits bei 4 herausfordernden Projekten unterstützt. Durch seine Wandelbarkeit und sein Gespür für Details sind erstklassige Kompositionen entstanden, die meine Arbeiten unterstrichen und bereichert haben. Zuverlässigkeit und ein hohes Maß an Engagement zeichnen Mirko aus – eine wunderbare und beruhigende Basis besonders bei stressigen Projekten. Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf weitere gemeinsame Arbeiten.

David August

"Mg Rizzello's music not only has great emotion and grandeur, but big range as well. It can infuse a scene with a depth nothing but great music gives, and does it without overshadowing or interrupting the story. I am a fan of his work in its own right, and as a part of film." 

Chris Cloud

"Mirko was fantastic to work with. Great collaborator. He would not only make what was in my head a reality, he would also have great ideas himself. His music is always creative and full of emotion. He’s also not afraid to try new things and create sounds and melodies that he’s never done before. He understands story, and characters well. He has solidified himself as a lifelong asset for my films. I can’t wait to work with him again.”
- Chris Cloud, Writer and Director of “Assana”. 

Natalie Hernandez

"Mirko did the music for our game Truths Untold. He was wonderful to work with. He listened to all our thoughts and ideas. Even though our game was a genre he hadn't done before, we were so impressed by how he was able to capture the feel of the characters and scenes. He was patient with us when we needed changes and most importantly he made absolutely beautiful music for our visual novel/game.
We would definitely work with him again and recommend him to anyone looking for a talented and professional composer."

Stay in touch with me!

Mirko Rizzello
10715 Berlin

Email: kontakt[@] 
Phone: First contact me via mail